Elsa Jean is ready for a black dick and in a jug

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  • 29:33
  • 31.12.2023
  • 84
  • 108438
  • 0
«If our Elsa were a real Genie, she would definitely make a wish for herself to have a bigger dick. Maybe it's not fair for a genie to demand something from himself, but when you have that last name, you can. Anyway, a big dick, a black shade, really appeared in her life, as it was ordered from herself. Now it remains to register it, which the beast began to do without a twinge of conscience. It all ended with quite a copious ejaculation right on the tongue, which saved the blonde fairy from having to have breakfast. The day started great, now you can ask yourself for something else. For example, a football team without underpants.»

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